Chum-Churum soju is a clear colorless distilled spirit native to Korea, made from rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or tapioca. It offers a light sweet, crisp and clean taste with a cool finish. Its special advantages are a lower calorie profile and a lower proof alcohol content. Soju delivers only about half the calories of ordinary vodka while delivering incomparable superior rich taste. As the leader in medium-level alcohol content spirits, soju can be enjoyed straight or it can lend itself as a perfect cocktail ingredient.

Chum-Churum (meaning "like the first time") is a common, youth oriented soju with a lower ABV and a moderately sweet flavor that is not as cloying as a fruit-flavored soju. There is a velvety pear flavor that emerges when you first taste Moonbaesool, followed quickly by a gentle heat rush.

This liquor made with Alkaline Water has brought a whirlwind of popularity among liquor lovers. Needless to say, water, which accounts for 80% of soju, is an important factor influencing the flavor and quality of soju products. Alkaline water, with particles that are small and rich in minerals, gives a unique smooth flavor going down.

Originally branded "Gyeongwol, Chum-Churum has continued the illustrious history of Soju in Korea by following in the footsteps of "Green", the first soju to feature a green bottle and "San", a brand featuring a symbol of the mountainous region of gangwon-do. Today, Chum-Churum is a soju brand that has become synonymous with Korea.

Chum Churum Citron

Chum Churum Original

Chum Churum Peach

Chum Churum Rich

Chum Churum Strawberry